Harmony from the Inside Out
10th Anniversary Revised Edition

Inspired by the extensive coaching work she has done with high level a cappella choruses worldwide, Jan Carley has written a powerfully insightful book filled with practical concepts and exercises that will shift limiting paradigms and instantly open up infinite possibilities for your work, your team and your life.

Readers are Raving

This book is a MUST read for every leader, director and coach who wants his/her chorus to have a peak performance, not only on stage but at every rehearsal. I can honestly recommend — Harmony from the Inside Out as a great tool for developing your chorus' peak performance. - Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl, Master 700 Director, 2017 International Gold Medalist Champions, Rönninge Show Chorus, Sweden

Jan is Canada's Ben Zander (The Art of Possibility). She has taken sound coaching principles, tested them on hundreds of women singers in competitive a cappella choruses and created easily applied principles so that anyone can begin to maximize their potential. Read this book — your life will thank you! - Carollyne Conlinn, 2009 Canadian Coach of the Year

I highly recommend Jan Carley's Harmony from the Inside Out. An avid and championship level performer as a Barbershop singer, Jan has put together a fascinating approach to achieving your full potential. - Dr. John J. Scherer, Author, 5 Questions that Change Everything

Jan does a great job of taking the 'Inner Game of Music' theory and blending it with other behavioral and psychological theories to come up with a unique perspective on realizing your full potential. Highly Recommended. - Kevin Keller, Past Chairman, Barbershop Harmony Society Contest and Judging Committee

These inner coaching principles will change you and your chorus culture (or any team you might work with) forever. - Sandy Marron, Master 700 Director, Lions Gate Chorus, 2018 International Silver Medalists

Jan's book cuts through the usual superficial acceptable wisdom and gets right to the fundamental causes of success and failure. Stop rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic- read this book. - Tom Metzger, CEO, Groupanizer.com

Your book helped me in so many ways, from a daily philosophical approach to life, to a wonderful new adventure which has broadened my experiences. Your idea of living life with an appreciative approach, versus a problem solving one, really helped me understand the possibilities in myself, others, and life. - Marge Mack

About the Book

Here's what waits for you inside the pages of Harmony from the Inside Out...

Chapter One: The "A" Game — Living in Possibility
Learn how one simple shift in your approach can immediately transform your world with dramatic positive effects.

Chapter Two: Getting In Tune — Clearing your Inner Static
Learn how to get rid of external and internal mental interferences that get in your way.

Chapter Three: Why Not? — Eliminating your Limiting Beliefs
Identify your internal barriers to success and reframe them to expand your future possibilities.

Chapter Four: Pollyanna Lives! — The Power of Positive Thinking
Get some practical strategies to instantly (and authentically) positivize your life.

Chapter Five: The "Woo Woo" Primer — Creating a Grounded Foundation
An easy and practical primer on how to breathe and center yourself, focus and ground your energy for maximum daily benefits.

Chapter Six: The Brain Gain — Utilizing the Power of the Mind
Learn how to maximize the power of your greatest resource, your mind, to create the world you want.

Chapter Seven: Right Here, Right Now — The Power of Intention
Get present, get "being" not "doing" and learn how to be intentional in everything you do.

Chapter Eight: Coaching — The Language of Possibility
Improve all of your communications instantly by learning the basic principles of using a coach approach.

Chapter Nine: Doable Goal Setting — The Power of Incremental Improvement
Finally — an easy way to set goals to guarantee success!

Chapter Ten: Yes You are Worth It — Celebration and Acknowledgement
Discover how acknowledgment and celebration of your unique gifts can amplify your contribution to the world.

More Praise

This well-written, positive approach will enable readers to improve their performance skills as well as apply the concepts and exercises to their daily lives. This is a must-read and is especially helpful to those in a leadership position. - Jacque Reinig, Former Director, High Country Chorus

The more I see what incredible results Jan's program produces, the more convinced I am of how important her book is to any ensemble's success. - Clay Hine, Director, Atlanta Vocal Project

There are many valued principles that we are using weekly from 'Harmony from the Inside Out.' It has made a huge difference in the communication and musical growth of my personal directing and management of Alaska Sound Celebration. - Peggy McBride, Director, Alaska Sound Celebration

Your book made the difference for my chorus this year for contest. In spite of using the Art of Possibility approach by Ben Zander for years, they for the first time were able to take what they are capable of onto the stage, and we improved 40 points to become the second most improved chorus. - Lisbet P. Kline, Director, Song of the Valley Chorus

(The book) resonated with me so much (especially the part about directors wanting to fix things!) that i decided to walk the chorus through it the rest of the year at the end of each rehearsal. - Debbie Saucke, Carousel Harmony Chorus

If you want to add more positivity and joy to your life, read HARMONY FROM THE INSIDE OUT. Jan has truly opened up my inner world of possibility! - Cammi Mackinlay, Past-President, Sweet Adelines International

Moving from an approach of 'fixing what's wrong' toward 'building on what's right' has transformed my weekly rehearsals and the singers' attitudes toward themselves and each other. I recommend 'Harmony From the Inside Out' for all directors! - Julie Starr, Master Director, Bay Area Showcase

Your inspiring book should be required reading for every chorus member. - Amanda Kaufmann, Director, Capital Showcase Chorus

Let me add my endorsement to Jan Carley's book. One of the most important things she taught me was to make sure I was specific about what they were doing right so they could replicate it. Wow... what an amazing concept. Not just saying that was wonderful, but telling them what they did that made it wonderful so they could do it again. That level of honest, positive reinforcement makes such a difference!!! - Bobbette Gantz, Master Director

I have truly enjoyed reading it (and rereading some parts). I started using several ideas from the book right away, with immediate results! By the time I delivered rubber duckies, we were well on our way to some real changes. I recommend it often to others. - Ann Foy, Director, Jewels of Harmony Chorus

About the Author

Jan CarleyJan Carley is a Master Certified Coach, credentialed with the International Coach Federation. Her company, Creative Coaching Group, specializes in coaching individuals and teams to clarify their vision and leverage their signature strengths to maximize their performance potential. Challenging her clients to smash limiting paradigms that are barriers to their success and supporting them as they create transformative new possibilities has made Jan a sought after business coach globally.

Known also as the "Inner Coach of Barbershop," Jan is passionate about working with musical groups from the inside out to create and live their performance potential both on and off stage. She has been singing barbershop harmony and competing in an Internationally renowned 120-voiced a cappella chorus since 1994.

Jan lives in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and is available for individual coaching, group coaching, workshops and speaking engagements worldwide.


email jan@creativecoachinggroup.com



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The Overtone Effect

Also by Jan Carley


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